Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Day 12. 1-6-09

I woke up early this morning at worked out before work! I am very proud of myself. That took a lot to get out of bed! I did 24 minutes of a DVD called Carb Burner. I also have logged 8171 steps today.
Breakfast: Toast w/ cheese , egg, and salsa, yogurt and coffee w/ 2% milk and sweetener
Lunch: My coworker fed me some of her Mexican Shepherd's pie thing.
Snack: Tangerine
Dinner:Shrimp Alfredo, peas, green salad, one piece of garlic bread. Only one piece of bread! That is huge progress. I can really eat the whole loaf!

Goals for tomorrow:
25 minutes
More steps
Smaller portions


  1. Nicole, wow! I'm impressed that you were able to get up and work out, that is so hard for me!!

  2. Fantastic! I wish I could get off my lazy butt and work out first thing in the morning. The few times I have, it really improved my day!
