Thursday, January 1, 2009

Day 6, 12-31-08

Well, I am posting this the next day actually. I was too tired after ringing in the New Year. We took the kids to my brother's house and we all had a great time. I met all my exercise goals. I did 18 minutes of exercise with a DVD called Pick Your Level. The instructor in Michelle Dozois, and I love her workouts. I managed 10 push-ups, and walked 6633 steps.
I tried on a pair of size 16 jeans that I have in the closet. They were on, but I just couldn't wear them in public. Too scary for right now. I will keep trying those to chart my progress. I noticed when I cleaned out my closet the other day I have jeans in just about every size you can think of.

Diet: Oatmeal, yogurt, and coffee w/ creamer
Lunch: Spinach salad and some leftover chicken tenders from last night
Snack: Big spinach salad I shared w/ the kiddies
Dinner: Well.......hmmm....where do I start....a (incredibly delicious) hamburger, spinach dip, artichoke dip, salsa/queso dip, french onion dip (see a pattern here?), lots of crackers for the dips....and a lovely concoction called Summer Beer my sister-in-law made (beer, lemonade, and vodka) just filled with empty calories!

Goals for tomorrow:
More steps
Exercise for 19 minutes
More fruits and veggies

1 comment:

  1. New Year's Eve is an excellent "cheat day!" Don't feel bad, you've done fantastically so far and taking it little by little and building on the progress you've made already certainly seems the way to do it without the *burnout*
    I'm also trying to lose about 60ish pounds, and just found your blog. I'm having fun reading it (in order, starting at day one!) I'll continue reading until I pass out tonight, and hope to keep up with your blog all year. Good Luck!
